
Friday, December 7, 2012

Welcome to "Restored Purpose"!

If you have stumbled upon this blog by accident or on purpose, so glad you did.  Welcome and I hope to get to know you!  I am a full time mom and wife to my "never cease to amaze me" husband, Nathan, and joyous little 2 year old Elias. These two bring so much joy to my life and I have found true purpose in the midst of it all.  My sole mission in this season in life is my home and my prayer is that I would be a good steward of all that God has entrusted me with.  I have experienced many ups and downs through the course of my life, but through my faith, One Constant has remained... the love and faithfulness of God.  I have been so blessed by His grace and love in my life and I want others to know and experience the same.

Come along for the ride as I embark on this new journey of blogging.  I have always had a passion for writing and this is a place where I will open my heart up to share life openly with you.  You will find a mod podge of posts on here which is sort of like my life at home.  You will see an assortment of DIY projects, crafts, go to family recipes, thoughts from the heart and of course Jesus, all the while keeping one thing in mind...Restoration.  This is something that has been impressed upon my heart for a while nowThat through all avenues of life, we would be renewed, revived and restored back to our original purpose. God says in scripture, "He Makes All Things New."

You will find that I have a love for old things made new.  My style is not one in particular but that birthed out of layering love.  As a stay at home mom, I knew that I needed an outlet for my own sanity and I have found it in the art of homemaking.  I find my heart comes alive when I can find a lonely treasure that needs a little rebirth through some creative love. I will share ideas on how to decorate, create and make your house a home on a budget.  I have a love for thrifting, yard sales, goodwill and any place where someone else's trash and junk can become a sweet treasure.  It's all about a new perspective and seeing something through a new lense.  Its a thrill and challenge for me to take an object and find a purpose for it other than its intended state.  I love coffee, getting lost in a good book, girl time with friends and spending time with the most important people in my!

Lets get crafty and creative together.  Come share your ideas because I always want to learn something new! The beauty of life is community and relationship and I hope to build that here. Thanks for coming by and my prayer is that you would be encouraged and inspired!

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