
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dear Eli...First Journal Entry to My Boy!

Dear Eli,

This is the first of many letters that I plan to write and compile for you via my blog.  I thought this would be a great place to document your life and the memories we share and create together so you can one day look back and see your life through my eyes as your momma!

We have just entered a New Year and I can't believe it is 2013.  It seems like yesterday that it was 2010 and daddy and I were excitedly planning your arrival.  2 years later and we are so very blessed by the gift that you are to our family.  I remember the day you were born so clearly.  You were 8 days late and seemed so chilled and relaxed in mommy's belly that you took your time making your grand entrance into this world.  It was a Thursday evening when we went in to be induced to have you.  After a long 14 hours of labor with you, I had an emergency c-section since you were not budging.  On Friday, November 5th at 6:19 pm, I can remember the doctor pulling you out and exclaiming, "he is a big boy indeed."  You certainly were at 8 lbs 15 oz. and were perfect in every way.  You never seemed like a new born to me from the always seemed older than what you were.  To this day it appears that way, and I think you might be following in your momma's shoes. 

You have brought so much joy to our lives and I've also never been so challenged in all my life.  I look at you sometimes and can't understand how such a little person can have so much personality and such a strong opinion compacted into that tiny being of yours.  You know what you want and you will do whatever it takes to conquer or obtain it.  I love how independent and outgoing you are, it's just a little challenging at times and my prayer is that God helps us as your parents to train, lead and direct your strengths in the right way.  You are a ball of energy, full of spice and life.  You always have a smile on your face and gut giggles that are contagious.  You are a little tease and have quite the sense of humor.  You laugh at yourself all the is hilarious!  Just tonight while praying before bed, you were praying for everyone in the family by name and when you get to the aunts and uncles, you get a smirk on your face and you say, "thank you for uncle caleigh, etc".  You couldn't stop laughing because you thought it was so funny.  You are a ticket and you know it! 

You have the best's actually scary sometimes because you remind me of things that I don't even remember.  We tell you something once and you don't let us forget it.  When you get a gift given to you, you remember exactly who gave it to you by name.  It's truly amazing!  Last night someone told you they liked your shoes.  You said, "yea, those are my Toms" haha, you are too funny!

This past Christmas was so much fun with you!  You were into all the festivities more than I had thought for just turning 2.  We made sure that we emphasized what the season was really about and you seemed to comprehend it well.  You would tell us, "it's Jesus' birthday and He was born in a manger.  His mommy was Mary, His daddy was Joseph" when we would point to the picture of the nativity.   You even helped me make a monkey bread (birthday cake) for Jesus Christmas morning and we sang to Him and blew out the candle in remembrance of the day.  You also were very excited about Santa this year all on your own.  You asked to make cookies and put carrots out for the reindeer and you even asked to go to bed early that night.  You wrote Santa a letter on Christmas Eve and your face was priceless when you received a letter in return the next morning.  The excitement you brought to Christmas this year was so special and truly "magical" in a sense.  You were a pro at opening up your presents and I think tearing the paper apart was the high light of your day. Your big present this year from us was a kitchen set and you have played with it everyday since then.  You are a great little chef :)  I look forward to the many traditions that we are starting as a family that we will be able to share and experience in the Christmas's to come.

You remind me so much of myself in home videos that I watch when I was your age.  You talk nonstop and surprisingly are quite bossy.  You love to tell us what to do and how to do it.  You even direct me while driving.  Like I said before, your memory is amazing.  You already know your address.  When we pull onto our road you say "this is Wintergreen Drive, where I live." and you proceed to tell us the # and town if asked.  Recently we were driving and you hollered out, "there's my doctors office mommy," and sure enough, you were right.  We have only been there twice in the last year so for you to know that blows my mind.  You also told me randomly this past month, "my doctors office is in Westbrook....the park we go to is in Westbrook."  And sure enough you were right again.   I don't even know if I've told you that directly, so you obviously listen to everything I say.  

We have been working on our colors, shapes, numbers and ABC's for months and months now.  You could say your colors for the past year but just recently you are able to tell them all a part which is huge.  You know your shapes including "octagon and hexagon".  You can count to 20 on your own (with a little help in the teens) and you know your ABC's almost perfectly.  I think you have quite the photographic memory.   I love how you get excited about learning.  You are a little sponge and everyday you ask to read your "school books" which are the books we get out only for learning when mommy's with you.  When we ask you how to spell your name you say, "E-L-I....jklmnop" :)  You just add it in like it's part of the alphabet!

I love to hear your little voice sing and your imagination at work.  You have just recently started "pretending" more on your own and it's such a joy to watch you in action.  You talk to your stuffed animals like they are your friends and you tell them what you are doing.   I catch you singing your own little songs while playing in your playroom.  This past week you were praying one night and you asked Jesus for a "little sister" without us saying anything to you.  I think you watch your little friends with their siblings and it makes you want one to have as a playmate as well.   Hopefully soon, your wish and desire will come true my little man, whether it's a little brother or sister :)

As of a few months ago we have experienced a little fear and separation anxiety over a few things.  I know this is normal for your age but totally new to our family.  We have been trying to help you face your fears and deal with that which scares you.  I am so proud of you and the way you have been facing your fears even when it's uncomfortable.  It's not always easy to reason with you in the moment, but we have had some major breakthrough lately.  Even today you went to children's church without crying and having a melt down.  You told us on the way, "mommy, I be a good boy today at church."   You have such a sweet little spirit.  You love to pray and you tell me every morning when you wake up that you had good dreams last night.  You proceed to tell me that Jesus came to visit you in your dreams and he stands in your room next to your bed.  I truly believe that even at your little age, you have a real understanding of who Jesus is.  I couldn't ask for anything more.  This blesses me so much to see and hear you talk about Him all the time.   When I don't feel good, your first reaction is to come over to me, put your hand on my head and pray.  It brings tears to my eyes every time.  The one fear we are trying to overcome right now is going to bed alone.  This is very new as of this week, because before now you have gone to bed with no complaining.  You are such a great sleeper and always have been since you were born.  We just recently transitioned you to your "big boy" bed so I know in time, the transition will get better. 

You have two friends, Griffin and Quaid, that you talk about all the time.  You love them and you love having play dates with them.  It's funny because at this age, you don't know how to play together all the time, but it means the world to you to just be in the same room and playing with toys.  We are working on sharing.  It's definitely a work in progress but you are catching on to what it is to show love when doing this.  Today you were proud of yourself and you purposely came over to me and said, "i'm sharing mommy."  You help me babysit little baby Eli every week and it has been the best learning experience for you in the sharing department.  You are able to see what it is to share your mommy time with another little one and to have your toys being played with on a regular basis by someone else.    You love having baby Eli around and you constantly are saying, "baby follow me, watch this, i'll show you something."  It's very cute!

It seems like once you turned 2, you were totally into potty training full force.  It's been awesome since we only have to use 1 diaper at nap and at night now.  You are officially potty trained during the day and you are very proud of yourself.  We've had another breakthrough in the potty department this week, for the past 5 days you have gone #2 on the potty everyday instead of your pants.  I know this might be too much TMI but at your age, it's a BIG deal.  You tell me, "mommy, please leave, I need to poop."  I think you might be a reader on the pot because you sit there for a while before you ask me to come back in.  You make me laugh non stop! 

The one thing that melts my heart on a daily basis is when you randomly come up to me and put your arms around me.  Your favorite phrase is, "i love you so much."  I never get tired of hearing your little voice say that to me a million times a day.  You are a little lover boy.  You love giving people hugs and telling them you love them.   Even today at church we said to say goodbye and you went up to a random woman you've never met and you put your hands out to give her a big hug and say good bye.  You could tell that it made her day.  You then made your rounds to everyone else.  I love how social you are and how loving you are to even people you do not know.  You definitely know how to show Jesus' love!  You are an example to me!

Well, I could go on and on, but I'll leave it for the next time I blog. Eli, I can't even begin to express what an honor it is to have been chosen to be your mommy and raise you.  I never knew that my heart could expand with the capacity to love as it has for you!  Thank you little man for the abundance of joy that you bring to your mommy and daddy.  The Lord has given us such a treasure in YOU! 

Love you so much,

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