
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dear Eli...Spring is Here!

Dear Eli, 
Love You Forever My Boy...

It's crazy how time flies by and before you know it weeks have passed.  It seems like since you were born time has accelerated!  I try to savor every day as much as I can because it's hard to imagine that one day you will be reading this letter as a grown man.  Yet no matter how big or how old you are, you will always be my baby :)  I am reminded of the story that my mom used to read to Uncle Tyler called Love You Forever.  In the story the mom rocks her baby and sings, " I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living my baby you'll be."  

You crack me up and make me laugh every single day.  You are your father's child and are so routine when it comes to your schedule. You are like clockwork and our morning reminds me of Groundhog's day over and over, ha!  When you wake up there is no cuddling, but you immediately come into my room and announce you are ready for "milky" and Curious George.  After going to Disney last month, I think you got your Mickey fix so now you're in a Curious George phase.  Sadly you know how to operate the tv and netflix so away you go and you push the buttons to find your show.  You sit in the same spot on the same couch EVERY morning and you immediately switch into trance mode, which I call a milk/tv coma!  Sometimes you are sweet to me and you say "mommy, I can watch Curious George on the Kindle so you can watch your news."  I actually rarely ever watch the news now since you have taken top priority but when I do I sure do appreciate it :)  

Spring is finally here, according to the calender, and praying that the weather got the memo as well.  We had a huge snowstorm last week on March 18th, and even as I type this right now I'm looking at 4 feet of snow in our cul-de-sac.  However, the temperature is starting to reach 50 this week so I'm sure soon enough it will melt and it will really feel like spring is in the air.  I love waking up to hearing the birds chirping outside...there is such a fresh excitement in the air!  

Auntie Caleigh came over on her spring break last week and she brought an egg coloring kit.  You guys colored eggs together and you loved it!  We have them sitting out on display and you like to go over and just look at them.  You made a cross out of a palm branch at children's church this passed Sunday and we have that displayed with your Easter eggs.  We have been reading about the death and resurrection of Jesus the last couple weeks and when we ask you what Easter is truly about you say "Jesus died on the cross for us so that we can live here forever."  It is sweet to watch your little mind and spirit taking it all in.  You wanted to know why there were 3 men on crosses and why people were being mean to Jesus.  You challenge me with the questions you ask, especially trying to answer you in a way that you'll somewhat understand.    But no matter what, I can tell that you are absorbing it all and it's a blessing to have been chosen to help teach you!

Back at Christmas we took a quiz that told us our "Elf" name.  Your last name was monkey buns and ever since then you introduce yourself as "Eli Monkey Buns" to complete strangers, haha!  The funny part is that you are as serious as can be.  We always joke, since your name is monkey buns that your monkey butt needs a bath.   Now even before we tell you it's bath time you tell us "my monkey butt stinks...I need a bath,"  hahaha!  You love your bath time and since you were a baby it's rare that we miss a day.  I think having it as part of your routine in the evening always made it more of an easier transition for bed.    As of this past month, your diaper is dry every morning.  I am so proud of you.  This was the final straw where you no longer have any connection to your baby days:(  Once we get a waterproof mattress pad (for back up), those diapers are gone.   Makes me sad but thankful to be past the potty training stage!

This past week was my birthday and you lovingly made me a card with daddy.  Daddy asked you what you wanted to say to me and inside he wrote it word for word, "Mommy, Love you so much Chicken Butt....Love, Eli Monkey Buns."  I'm not sure where you came from, but you crack yourself up and you think you are so funny :)   Uncle Tyler taught you the word "chicken butt" and now you like to use it now and again cause you think it's hilarious!  I will keep that card forever in my stash of memories so one day when you are old and you are reading this letter, I can pull it out and show you.  There is never a dull moment when you are around!  Mimi and Buppa had a family birthday party at their house for me and Grampy and Grammy and Great Grandma came to celebrate with us as well.  You were my little helper in blowing out the candle and opening up all the gifts.  You love birthdays, no matter who's it is, because you love to just help out.  You asked me if you could have your birthday again with me.  

The chalkboard sign you and daddy wrote on for my birthday morning.

The beautiful table setting that Mimi put together...
 The yummy cupcakes Auntie Caleigh made, mmm....

Recently when I suggest something to you or ask you if you want to do something, you respond with "yea, that sounds like a really good idea."  You also have mastered putting your two fingers up when we ask you how old you are.  Before you had to use your other hand to push the remaining three fingers down.  I love watching you put your two fat fingers together.  I think you are pumped and proud of yourself because you love to show me all the time.  

You recently learned your birth date and you know the street that is connected to ours.  When we ask you your birthday you say "Nobember fif (5)" and every time we pull into our neighborhood you say "we are on Willowdale and then we are going down Wintergreen Drive." It's amazing how aware you are of your surroundings and you know which direction we are going depending on the roads we take.  

Today we were finally able to enjoy some play time outdoors without having to be all bundled up in snow pants.  I'm so glad to finally have some more mild weather ahead of us.  You had your dump truck and shovel outside trying to make roads and "snow" castles.  You found some sticks and you said you were planting carrots.  You asked if you could use the hose to water them, ha! You have such an imagination :)  I love it!

We have hit a new stage with you where you are VERY BOSSY!  I know I was similiar from what mimi tells me and of what I've seen on home videos.  It has been a challenging last few weeks with you.  You like to be in control (which I'm sure a lot of 2 year olds do) and so when things don't go your way, you have a fit.  You also don't know your own strength and in playing you will be more aggressive than I'd like, which could be a strength in sports someday but gets you into trouble sometimes. You're learning that you have to be aware of those around you and that you can hurt people if you are not cautious.   I have really had to stick to my guns and be consistent with discipline.  I hate doing it sometimes, but I can see that you do understand and are learning through this challenging time for both of us :)  

You are the light of my life and the first smile on my face every morning.  I don't know what I would do without you even when you test me to the limit!!;)  

Love you so much,


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