
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spring(y) Decor Bringing Happiness & Cheer!

I have lagged in the blogging department this past week.  This long, drawn out cold snowy weather is giving me the winter blues.  I have been having trouble finding ambition to attack certain projects recently and hoping with Spring on the way it will help bounce me back into my creative mode.  I do love a good snow day and feeling all cozied up within the confinement of our home, but this year I feel like it has dragged on for too long now.  I'm itching to get out to play in the yard and get my spray painting on! :)  The one downfall to this cold weather is that certain projects I would like to attempt have to be put on hold because I don't have proper space to accomplish them in.

This past week we hopefully had one of the last snow storms for the year.  Eli and I had a pajama day and did a little spring cleaning/decorating to lift the spirits.  I tackled the living room and a little in the kitchen to help cheer up the space while our house was enveloped in the powdery white stuff outside.  I haven't purchased any new spring decor except for 2 small items so I just went shopping around my house and rearranged some things to feel somewhat new.  The two things I did purchase were a plate from Goodwill for 99 cents and a pack of spring paper napkins from Christmas Tree Shop for $1.99 that I incorporated into the space.  I love how just taking things you own and giving them a new home can refresh and revive a space.  Before decorating, Eli decided he wanted to vacuum so we had the whole living room torn apart before putting it back together in the pictures below.  He is my little cleaning buddy and loves to help out so with paper towel and vacuum in hand, we scrubbed the room, put the winter decor away and brought out some bright happy colors.  Here is the beginning stages of Spring in our home :)

 Living Room- view from the kitchen.

Took my 2 lanterns purchased from Goodwill this past fall and flanked the mantle with them. I originally had the lanterns put together on the side table to make one large lantern this winter, but decided to give them a fresh look by separating them.  I put 2 matching Goodwill plates in the back of each one with a mercury glass votive holder in front of it to be able to light the candles at night.  

This framed card was in the kitchen but brought it into the living room for a change of scenery.  I love this little silver bird in front of it that I purchased at Michael's this past Christmas for $1.50.

I have a love for old canning jars, especially the teal colored ones.  I found this one at a thrift store last year for $6 with the lid on it.   I filled it with the yellow and gold paper straw that I use for Eli's basket and the eggs we colored last year.

Lantern with the vintage Goodwill plate and mercury glass that can change and flow throughout every season.

Little ceramic white bowl that I again filled with the paper straw and eggs that Eli colored last year.

Our egg tree filled with glass eggs from Christmas Tree Shop (last year).  Branches are reused from previous decor and they are spray painted silver and white from in our back yard.

Thrift store table that I painted gray a while back and re-purposed next to the sofa.  Doily is from Nate's Great Gram who made it and gave it to us as a wedding gift.  Love sentimental pieces like this!  

Apple green bud vase was originally clear and purchased for $1 at Walmart last year.  I used acrylic craft paint and swirled it around inside to get this color.  I'm not usually into fake flowers, but those are.  I do love them now and again.  

Here is the paper napkin I decided to frame.  Hoping the fold lines will smooth out, but besides that I love the color it brings to the room.  This frame gets changed out seasonally.  For Christmas it said "Merry" and for winter it said "Let It Snow."  These flowers exude happiness:)

Kitchen received a few little touches.

Beautiful vintage tea cup that I received as a favor at a recent bridal shower.  Inside the cup is a yellow glass egg (left over from the egg tree).

Here is the plate I scored at Goodwill this week for 99 cents.  I think it has a very Anthropologie feel.  I would like to hang it on a plate gallery wall someday.

Little frame from Michael's this past Christmas for 99 cents.  I cut out a picture from the Pottery Barn magazine and frame the little chick with an egg in it.  Thought it was sweet!  This is something you can do at home.  Find a frame laying around and cut pictures out of decor magazines for a seasonal theme.  I do this all the time.

Blue glass egg in a little milk vase.

Old scale with festive eggs from Christmas Tree Shop (last year find).

Finally hung my chalkboard from 2 months ago.  That is my little Scentsy owl (from Christmas) that I thought would be a good home for him for now.  He will have some company on that shelf here soon :)

That is the beginning stages of bringing some bright, happy cheer into our home.  Just shows that you don't need to spend much to make your space feel alive and like YOU :)   It's fun trying to be creative with what you have and making it unique to your liking.  Hope to bring a touch of Spring into every room of the home somehow.  This time of year excites me with the rebirth of everything that died or went dormant for a season.  Bright colors always make me happy and although I don't personally like them on the wall (feels too permanent), I do love decor that can be changed out and brings a smile to my face when walking into the room.  What Spring projects or decor do you have in mind?  Send me an email if you'd like and I'll post your  reno or decor in an upcoming post :)  The hubby and I are tackling our bedroom here this week (hopefully) so stay tuned for updates, as well as a nursery redo and bathroom redo in the near future as well!  Have a great day and Happy Spring everyone!

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