
Monday, January 21, 2013

Dear Eli...

January snow storm 2013

Dear Eli,
You have had so much fun this winter.  You love the outdoors in general, but you especially love the snow.  If it was up to you, we would stay out there for hours and hours at a time.  When we have a snow storm, you get very excited watching the snow fall and you can't wait to go out and enjoy it.  In the picture above you were sliding down our small hill in the yard and wiped out at the bottom.  You were covered in snow and giggling.  I thought it would have scared you, but of course you thought it was hilarious :)  One Saturday I went out to run some errands and came home to a fort you and daddy made while I was gone.  You loved it.  You called it your tunnel since he made a couple openings for you to crawl through.   You love your daddy and your "guy dates" with him!

You are such a big boy!  Before Christmas we decided to put you in the full bed in our guest room.  From night one, you have slept through the night all by yourself and you can tell you are quite proud of yourself.  We are in the process of decorating the room and changing it into your "Big Boy Room."  Hoping that your morning wake up time changes here soon, but for now we are 6:00 am buddies :)  I can't complain because you are in bed by 7:30 or 8, but you used to sleep till at least 7:00-7:30 every morning so it has been a little change. 

First Night In Your Big Boy Bed

I think you are almost completely potty trained day and NIGHT!!!!!  It's amazing!  This week your diaper has been dry in the morning for the past 4 nights in a row.  One night you even got up in the night to ask me to help you go potty.  And in the morning it's the first thing you ask to do.   I can't believe how overnight you just "got" it.  So proud of you little man and it makes life so much easier!  You even can go in by yourself and go pee during the day now. Your independence amazes me and how you are able to do things on your own.  Of course I still monitor you, but you always say, "mommy, please get out, I need to go potty on my own."  Just this morning, you told daddy you had to go and you said, "Please daddy, I need to pee in privacy" and you pointed your little fat baby finger at him to leave. This is one area that your strong, independent spirit has been a plus :)  In other areas, it can be a major power struggle sometimes, but you're learning that you can't do everything by yourself!

You talk incessantly and sometimes I have to ask God to give me grace and patience because you are on the go from the time you wake up till the time you go to sleep.  Yet, I'm trying to enjoy these moments, knowing that in a glimpse you will be big and I will never be able to get these little years back.   I do love to hear your little voice...and it makes me sad when I think about you growing up.  You talk in full sentences and even use your connecting words now.  There is nothing you can't say, we all have to be on our toes, because you are always listening and nothing gets by you.  You love to use words such as "actually, already, yesterday, etc" and you use them in the right context.  Your famous line is "Let me help you" or "Let me do it."  You want to help with everything!  

Last night before bed you said you wanted some "T-N-L" and we couldn't figure out what you wanted.  You kept repeating yourself.  Finally, you said with frustration, "Milky (milk), you know T-N-L-K."  It dawned on us what you were trying to say and we couldn't stop laughing.  Daddy and I usually spell "M-I-L-K" when we ask each other if you should have it at times because you would drink it non-stop.  If we said the word, you would want it so we try to spell things to keep you from understanding.  I think you have caught on though and you know exactly what we mean now.  You are too smart and like I said, NOTHING gets by you!!

You think because you use your manners that you will get everything you ask for.  It doesn't work that way around here, but you are pretty cute when you try.  When I correct you or tell you not to do something, you look at me with a sweet face and you say, "I love you so much mommy,"  How can I be upset when you say that to me, haha.  You are such a character and you know it!  When you eat something and you REALLY like it, you always tell whoever cooked it, "mmm....Thank You, this is really good." 

You are the hardest little worker.  I am impressed by your work ethic at your age.  I can give you a chore or project and you actually know how to complete it.  I'm a little worried that you may have a tad of OCD since you love to clean things all the time, haha, so I try to emphasize that its not a big deal when things get messy since I know when I was your age I was quite the perfectionist.  I've changed through the years and have gotten better in that area and I don't want you to deal with perfectionism like mommy did growing up.  I have to remember you are only 2 even though you act like you are 5 sometimes!

Your sense of smell is incredible.  You pick up on scents every time we go into a room and sometimes you don't keep what you are thinking to yourself.  You often will say, "It is very stinky in doesn't smell better" haha and you don't care who's around. At least we know that sense of yours is working well!

You have such a sweet nature and are very loving to everyone you meet.  I admire this quality about you.  You would love on anyone no matter who they are.  You are definitely a people person and now that the separation anxiety is subsiding a bit (Thank God), you make friends everywhere you go.  It doesn't matter where we are, you gravitate to kids and you love to play with them.  You especially love playing with older kids who help you play and learn.  

Here are a few pictures as a family recently and some pictures of you this past Christmas...

Christmas 2012
Santa came to visit at children's church.  You loved him and you bossed him around all morning!
Christmas morning...Santa left you a note and you found your stocking full of gifts from him.
Your big gift from mommy and daddy this year.  You love your kitchen!

Our Little Family...
 Your matching j.crew flannels :)

Buddy, you are the apple of our eye and we are so proud to be your parents.  We know we are learning as your parents and we apologize to you all the time as we try to figure out this thing called "parenthood."   We know we aren't perfect.  We give you to the Lord and ask him to help us everyday on our journey together as one!

Love you so much,

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