
Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday Thrifty Finds Including Explosive Crates!

I love thrift stores and I love a good deal.  It makes me happy and is one of my favorite pastimes. 

Thursday is for Thrifty Finds

While the hubs has been on vacation this week, we ended up going north for a couple days to visit the in-laws.  My mother-in-law loves thrifting and going to antique stores so we made an afternoon of it this week.  We went to the Fairfield Antique Mall in Fairfield, Maine.  This is the same place where I found my mantle in my living room last year.  Their prices are fairly reasonable depending on the vendor and it's like a field trip when I go there.  It is so fun to just walk around and check out all the treasures that fill the booths, even if I can't afford them.  I just like to touch and dream! I constantly have ideas floating through my head when I walk through a place like this.  I find I have to try to keep my focus because I can get side tracked very easily :)  My mother-in-law loves redoing and re-purposing furniture so it was fun throwing ideas around as we looked.

My main mission was to find old crates for Eli's big boy room that we are renovating.  I would like to stack a couple as a nightstand/bookshelf and use some for toy bins.  I found 2 and they ended up being 50% off which was an added bonus ($15).  I loved that on the side it said "High Explosives...Dangerous" meaning powder dynamite was packed in those crates.  I knew Nate would love it since he worked for Maine Drilling & Blasting in college and Eli would think it was great because anything that explodes in his mind is awesome!   Here they are.  Can't wait to use them!!

Next item that I have been on the hunt for in my searching is an old scale for in my kitchen.   I love the old, vintage look of a scale for decorative purposes but also it can be used for cooking/baking as well if needed.  Here is a creamy/white one I found. Most of the scales I found in the past were anywhere from $35-$60.  This one was $15 which couldn't be passed up. When I brought it home, it was quite dirty so I scrubbed, disinfected it and with the use of a magic eraser it looked so much better!  It does have rust on it, but for me it's just added character! I may do a paint touch up, but I'm undecided for now. 

Eli has been using his big highchair for his stuffed animals and boy baby that he owns.  I have been looking for a small one that he could use in his playroom with his kitchen set, but everything I've seen has been pricey for the quality.  I wasn't searching for one on this particular shopping trip, but in the midst of looking I came across this sweet little highchair.  AND the BEST was on SALE!  The tag said, $3.00. I thought it was a mistake so I took a second glance.  But sure enough, it was only $3.00 at checkout.  I couldn't believe it.  Eli is in LOVE!  He could not wait to get it home to feed his bear :)

This last item is not one I was hunting for either but I have been wanting one in the back of my mind.  It is an old crate looking box that could be used for multiple purposes.  I intend to use it as a table display with either seasonal decor, condiments/silverware for parties and could also be great for displaying craft supplies in jars in the middle of the table when I have girls over for crafty get togethers.  My mother-in-law has some of these and I think they are adorable.  This one had "old tool box" on the tag, but it also is similiar to some that are old chicken feeders.  I liked this one in particular because of the shape.  Here it is....what would you do with it?

Well, these were my thrifty finds for the week!  Stay tuned in the coming weeks as I give you some ideas on re-purposing cheap finds on a dime.  This week I bought a picture frame for 25 cents at Goodwill.  I plan to do a project with it this week, so post to come!  This Friday we are starting our big project in Eli's room.  Expect a post about the beginning process of the floor by Monday.  Happy Thursday !!

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