
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Cauliflower Breadsticks...Just Like the Real Thing!!

I have been wanting to try these cauliflower breadsticks for a while, but have not gotten around to it till now.  I had half a head of cauliflower left in the fridge and I knew if I didn't use it soon, it was going to go bad.  I couldn't let that happen so it forced me to make something with it and so glad I did :)  I've been trying to come up with some simple healthy lunch alternatives for Eli and myself and this is super easy and amazingly healthy which seems like an oxymoron when you taste it!  I ate these breadsticks with a soup I made a couple nights ago, but you could eat them by themselves with marinara sauce or make a pizza out of it.  I think this week I'm going to try a pesto version of the recipe.  I semi followed this recipe but didn't measure completely and it still came out amazing! You are going to be amazed at this cheesy, chewy goodness!:)

Recipe: (adapted from
  • 1/4 of a large head of cauliflower "riced" ( I used 1/2)
  • 1 tsp of olive oil (I used a little more)
  • 2 garlic cloves (I used 2 large cloves and it was plenty with the amount of cauliflower I used.  I think this is a matter of preference)
  • 1 egg (white) lightly beaten
  • 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese (I didn't measure this...I measured with my eye :)
  • 1/2 tsp. dried italian herb seasoning (I used basil because I was out of Italian season blend)
  • marinara sauce for dipping (optional....I dipped mine in the soup I was eating)   
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Line a 9x5 loaf pan with parchment paper and spray it with cooking spray.  I used a 9x13 pan for mine and lined it with foil and cooking spray.  I patted down the cauliflower mixture in the center and made it into a rounded/square shape about 8x8 size.

Now you need to "rice" the cauliflower which you do with a cheese grater.  With a 1/4 head of a cauliflower you will get approximately 1.5 cups lightly packed of the riced cauliflower.  I used 1/2 a head so mine was slightly more and I'm sure it will very according to the size of the cauliflower head as well.  The cauliflower will look somewhat like when you grate cheese.  Place it in a microwaveable safe bowl and microwave it till its soft.  I put mine in for about 5 minutes and it was perfect.  You do not need any water in the bowl!

While you are waiting for the cauliflower to soften, heat the olive oil in a small skillet over low and add your garlic until softened.  Once the cauliflower is softened, add the garlic/oil mixture, the lightly beaten egg white, Italian seasonings and the mozzarella cheese .  Stir together, mix well and spread it into the pan.

Bake until it starts to turn golden brown.  It was approximately 30 minutes for me.  Remove it from the oven, flip it over (I used a spatula for this and slowly lifted each corner before flipping it entirely.  If its too large to do that, cut it into sections before doing so) and if you like put more cheese on top.  I used some Parmesan, but you could use more mozzarella too if you desired.  Put it back in the oven for another 10 minutes or so until cheese melts and turns golden brown.

Let cool slightly and cut into pieces.  Enjoy with marinara sauce!

Let me know if any of you end up trying this and how it comes out!  I was completely impressed with how it tasted and even it's appearance.  It looked and tasted like a breadstick in my opinion!  This is a great way to be sneaky and get your kids to eat some veggies as well :)   Enjoy!

Any other cauliflower recipes out there that you have tried?  I'd love to know!!

1 comment:

  1. yum. i need to try this asap!!!! bella is superrrr picky but she's a little bread girl! so this might totally fake her out :) looks delish!
