
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dear Eli...It's Florida Time!

Dear Eli,

I have dropped the ball on blogging the last couple weeks since we have been super busy between Auntie Su-su visiting us for a week and then our first "official" family trip to Florida.  We have just returned from a fun filled week in your favorite place "Mickey Territory."  You were anticipating this trip for weeks because Mickey Mouse and all his friends are your hero's right now.  They are your favorite and you like to watch them every morning when you wake as part of your morning routine.  Your day is not complete until Mickey is part of it.   You sing to the songs and you interact when they ask questions.  We couldn't wait to see your face light up when you would actually meet your special pal in person.

On Friday, February 22nd, we boarded your first plane ride! You went through security like a pro but were stopped so they could check your bag.  Your "milky" unfortunately had to be thrown out.  Sorry buddy... I didn't even consider that your sippy cup could be considered "dangerous.":) You amazed me on the flight!  Not once did you ask to get up out of your seat!  We had a layover in between flights and you made friends at a nearby "Disney" play area by our gate...whoever came up with that is genius!!

When we arrived in sunny Florida, it was really late, but you never complained!  We made our way to our hotel and you immediately climbed under the covers between daddy and I and passed out from the long adventurous day!  You are a great traveler...already can't wait for our next trip :)  Unfortunately you came down with a virus the day after we arrived and were sick on and off for several days.  This made our trip  quite challenging in the sense you wanted to lay low, nap a lot and ate pretty much nothing.  Milk was our only saving grace because you never turn that away!  Every morning when you would wake up you would run to the balcony and feed the ducks (a clan of baby ducklings) and turtles.  They got to know you because before you would even make an appearance they would be waiting there for you each morning :)

You are such a trooper.  Even in the midst of not feeling well, you pushed through and tried to have fun.  The morning we were scheduled to do "Magic Kingdom" at Disney, you woke up acting normal.  You ate some breakfast and you were excited about seeing Mickey.  When we arrived at the park, you started telling me "I don't feel better."  I could see it in your eyes.  It seemed to come in waves.  We were going to go home but you pushed through and by the afternoon you were starting to act more yourself.  You were in heaven when you met Mickey.  You ran right over to him with your autograph book and held onto his nose and said "love you so much."  It was priceless!  This moment was worth the whole trip to see the joy and magical sparkle in your eyes :)  You loved the parades and the firework show that night.  You were in awe at the fireworks and    Tinker Bell flying through the sky.  Your favorite ride that day was the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger.  You ride in these cars while spinning them around shooting at targets in outer space.  You loved it so much that we had to ride it 3 times!

 When you weren't feeling well you would point your chubby finger at us and say "DON'T TAKE A PICTURE OF ME"
 First roller coaster ride :)

Unfortunately, we only had one day that was pool weather, but we enjoyed it even when it wasn't sunny.  Anything beat all the snow that we were getting back home.   We watched a movie out by the pool on a big screen one night.  You fell asleep as soon as the movie started.  It felt amazing to be out at 9:00 at night with just a sweatshirt on!   You road on Great Grandma's walker everywhere we went.  You loved being chauffeured. You will notice that "Tiger Blanket" was your little side kick in many of these pictures.  You are attached to your friend and so glad you had him while you didn't feel well.  He was such a comfort to you! We had fun at Downtown Disney and though you were not completely yourself, you made the best of it!

Animal Kingdom was another Disney park that we visited.  You were completely yourself on this day and we had a blast.  We woke up early to be there when the gates opened.  You loved the African Safari ride.  It felt like we were really in Africa.  You were so excited to see all the animals.  You were able to finally see your "gator" that you had been asking about all week.  You kept asking us if you could go catch one, ha :)  Since we couldn't get close to the real thing, we bought you a small one at a flea market and let you go catch it in the bath tub in our room!  You loved the dinosaur ride and "It's tough to be a Bug" 3-D show in the BIG Tree of Life in the Center of the park.  The highlight of this day was visiting Mickey, Donald, Daisy and Goofy at Donald's Safari Lunch.  The characters came up and spent time with you at our table.  The look on your face was awesome.  You blushed when Daisy came up to you:)  You were confused and couldn't figure out where to kiss her because her beak was so big, ha!  It was the cutest! You were incredible at this park.  I couldn't believe how well you did considering it was such a long day and a very busy week at that!

 Asked to sit in the stroller and went to sleep on your own because you were so tired!
 Donald's Safari Breakfast at Animal Kingdom!

You started "roaring" like a tiger a lot this week.  Now you randomly walk around the house's hilarious!  You have started saying the funniest phrases lately.  You ask what everything is and how everything works. You talk NON-STOP and you keep me laughing all the time with the words that come out of your mouth.  Your new thing is saying "sure" when we ask you a question.  I asked you to do something yesterday and you said "sure I can mommy."  You tell me everyday, "my belly doesn't feel better...maybe I need to poop.  That might help."  This might be too much information, but at this age, these are the things that make it so joyously real in living life.  As I've stated before, there is never a dull moment here.  We were shopping at Trader Joe's this week and you told Daddy while searching in the spice section, "It's ok daddy, go ahead and get it", you are the parent:)  Tonight you were playing the fish game with Daddy and you had your rod pushing down on the game.  Daddy asked you what you were doing and you said "I'm just a really nervous boy."  I think you were anxious to catch a fish while they were spinning around so you associated this feeling with being nervous.  I thought that was so funny and pretty amazing to make that connection!   You and Daddy were drawing yesterday and he drew a caterpillar for you.  You said to him, "that's not a caterpillar, that is a centipede"...You cease to amaze me! I have no idea where you learn some of these things!   I just realized this month that you have stopped calling yourself "Li Li."  You are growing up before my eyes and though I am happy to welcome the new milestones, it also makes me very sad because I know I will never get these moments back.  We still call you  Li Li even if you don't.  I think this nickname has stuck, thanks to you little man :)

Daddy and I are so proud of you.  We have our moments and power struggles often since you are such an independent spirit, yet we would not trade it for anything.  You tell us where to go, how to do it and how to get there.  You are quite bossy (wonder who you get that from;) but at the same time you have such a sensitive spirit.  If you think someone is upset, you get concerned and go over to the person and hold on saying "I'm sorry." I wish I could get inside your little head and see life from your perspective.  You live life to the fullest and you exude so much joy that it's contagious!  I love your giggle and you can make anyone's face light up.  You are full of Jesus and it shows :)  I will be back with another letter sooner than later this time.

Love you so much,


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